Venngage Case Study Creator
Captivate your clients by highlighting your company's solutions, and get valuable insights to improve your business strategy with Venngage's case study templates.

Create a case study report that looks compelling and converts leads without any design experience. Showcase real success stories and challenges that your products and services helped to solve. Join over 40,000 businesses in using Venngage as a marketing solution.
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Design from one of our case study templates
Choose from hundreds of case study templates. See all case study templates

Design professional case studies for meetings, and negotiations

Create your own case studies to share compelling success stories. Showcase products, strategies, and tactics that had made your clients grow. You don't need any design experience! All of our case study template designs are created in-house by professional designers.

You don't need to be a designer to create a professional-looking case study infographic, or in-depth, multi-page reports. Pick from our library of easy-to-edit case study templates.

Get access to high-quality stock photos and choose from over 40,000+ icons and illustrations to use. Venngage also offers a wide variety of chart and data visualization widgets that you can customize.

Want to incorporate your brand's identity? We've got you. My Brand Kit feature lets you upload your company logos, fonts, and colors. Perfect to stand out in your presentation!

Get your team involved when creating case studies. Real-time collaboration allows you to provide feedback and apply changes creating a great design in minutes.
How to create a case study in 5 easy steps:

Showcase your challenges to elevate your brand with ease

Customizable Templates
No design experience? No problem! Our stunning template designs will make your data analysis look great without even trying.

User-Friendly Editor
Easily visualize and present complex case study examples with Venngage editor. Use our Smart features to quickly add or remove shapes, lines, and branches with a single click.

Access Stunning Photography
A case study report is more engaging and impressive when you use Venngage's library of 3 million stock photos. Professional and royalty-free.

Data Visualization
With Venngage's free case study creator, you can add data collected from a Google Sheet or CSV, and the chart automatically populates the data.

24/7 Customer Support
Experiencing issues? Have questions about using a feature or need advice? Our support team is available around the clock.

My Brand Kit
Build your brand through consistency. My Brand Kit lets you incorporate your branding into every asset you design in Venngage.
How do I sign up for Venngage's case study creator?
To start using Venngage's free case study creator, sign up for free using your email, Facebook or Gmail account. Once you create an account you can choose which template to get started with and start editing in the online editor.
How do I write a case study?
The easiest way to write a case study is to get started with a template. This provides you with a pre-set cover page and table of contents; a variety of page layouts to work with; and a picture of how to organize content, add designs and break up text. A case study is not a technical document that needs to be structured in a specific and formal way. You can get creative but focus on making your content clear and easy to understand.
What's an example of a case study?
Case studies, in business and marketing, are stories of success achieved through a product or service. The product can even be a strategy or framework that was pioneered by an industry thought leader. Many brands publish case studies on their website to share how their clients see tremendous value in using their products. The case study essentially chronicles the entire client journey from having a problem, to finding the solution, and the outcome of that solution.