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Adobe’s Acquisition Timeline

Adobe’s Acquisition Timeline

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Adobe, an American multinational computer software company, designs, develops, publishes, and distributes software products used in producing and distributing visual content for electronic media and digital publishing. Adobe has always been one of the largest developers of graphic design software in the world, but over time it developed into a full-fledged Web 2.0 company. Some of the products you might know from Adobe include Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. They also provide cloud services like cloud storage, analytics, and marketing automation. The company was founded in 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke. It was initially called Adobe Systems Incorporated and was based in California. They have acquired many companies over their lifetime, including Macromedia (now called Adobe Flash), Aldus (now called Adobe PDF), Day Software (now called Adobe Flash Catalyst) and more. Adobe has acquired companies since its inception in 1982, and the company continues to make strategic investments in order to remain at the forefront of innovation. With a thriving ecosystem of acquired startups, who can help push Adobe’s vision forward through new innovations. Some of these acquisitions were small, but