2017 Visual Marketing
Design a marketing strategy for your business by modifying this Visual Marketing Infographic Template
- Design Style: modern
- Colors: vibrant, dark
- Size: 816 x 2348px
- Plan: free
Design a creative marketing infographic and more with this Visual Marketing Infographic Template. The infographic is fully editable and you can easily personalize the photos, charts, and vibrant color palette to make it your own. Instantly pull people into your marketing infographic and show what the content is about by incorporating realistic photos. Venngage has thousands of high-quality stock photos to pick from, or you can upload your own into the infographic. If you want to give details such as data and statistics, you can make them more readable by applying charts. Venngage has you covered with an extensive collection of charts that will help you transform the Visual Marketing Infographic Template. Vibrant colors will also keep the reader's interest and make the infographic more exciting. Create a vibrant color palette with the swatches you want, or you can simply apply one of Venngage's automated color schemes. Not quite the marketing infographic you wanted? Browse the Venngage library for more innovative infographic templates!
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- Marketing